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    QTAwk  allows the  user to define functions which can accept a variable
    number of parameters to  be passed.  The  ellipses notation is used  in
    definition of the function.  To define a function which may accept  any
    number of parameters and find the maximum value passed:

    function max(...) {
        local i, max = vargv[1];

        for ( i in vargv ) if ( max < vargv[i] ) max = vargv[i];
        return max;

    The predefined  variable 'vargc'  is set  to the  number of  arguments
    passed   on   a   particular   invocation   of   the   function.    The
    singly-dimensioned array  'vargv' has  as its  elements the  parameters
    passed.  The subscripts of 'vargv' are numeric with values ranging from
    1 to 'vargc'.

See Also: Defining Invoking vargc vargv
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson